



Gillette Stadium


Team Profiles

2002 Recap

2001 Recap


Welcome to the official web site of the BFFFL Fantasy Football League for 2002.

Last updated on 5/26

New for 2003
1. Expansion: We will be going from 10 teams to 12. Dan (works with Mike and Bill) is in and Steve K. has been asking for years, but we never had an opening. He should be the second.

2. Season: We will be playing a 13 week season. Everyone plays each other once and you play someone else twice. 6 teams now make the playoffs. Top 2 will get a first round bye and other 4 play first round starting week 14. Championship is still week 16.

3. Money: League dues will be 217 (210 for league, 7 for league web site -- see next section). 1st= 800, 2nd= 500, 3rd= 300, 4th= 200, 5th and 6th= 100. Every team that makes the playoffs gets 100 guaranteed. Team 3 plays 6 and 4 vs 5. Winners play teams 1 and 2 who were on bye.

4. Dues: Speaking of dues, I am tired of chasing people around. I still am not paid in full for last year. All dues are to be paid before the draft!!!!!!! I know we are all friends, so this should make it easier for us to pay each other. No screwing around. I am going to be sending a date out and if payment is not in by that date you are out. Sorry and no hard feelings.

5. New web site: I am going to be switching to to run the league. As much as I love having this site, it is getting too much for me to do each week. With the new defense and flex position, it is tougher to do the stats.

6. Weekly Prize: The weekly prize will increase to a week. I am doing away with the end of year and mid year bonus. Weeklies will be paid through week 16. That way non playoff teams and playoff teams are still fighting for from week 14-16 for the weekly high. It sucked to end the season a week earlier and to have two teams on bye, so this should satisfy both problems. (Now Mike can win money for having his great team in the playoff weeks even though he didn't make it in.)

7. Money doesn't match: The money for the playoff payouts is 2,000 and the weeklies are 640. 210 x 12 is only 2520 which leaves us 120 short. This will come from the roster moves and trades (pick up pool). We got 256 from the p/u pool last year, so I am confident we can get 120 at least from it. The difference in the p/u pool will be a 75/25 split by 1st and 2nd.

8. Defense and Flex Position added: One of the bigger changes will be eliminating the KR/PR position and adding Defense. Also, everyone kept asking about another starting receiver, so I put in a flex position which will be your option of either another rb, wr, or te. As far as defense, I can set up a nice scoring system on I will put it to vote sometime in the next couple of months.


Check out the newly updated 2002 Recaps of this fantastic fantasy football year. Click on the page on the left.

Bryan is the 2002 BFFFL Champion!!!

In the finals, Bryan defeated me 96-77 to win the title. At the end of the third quarter in the Colts/Giants game, P Manning had about 150 yds passing and he looked like absolute crap .. Giants D playing great. I actally thought they might bench him in case of injury. I proceeded to cut my grass (yes it is December, but I was too lazy to rake the leaves, so I cut the grass). When returning I saw Manning hit a strike to R Wayne right down the middle of the field. I then looked at the score and saw "27". "Oh crap" was the first thing to go through my mind. I raced upstairs to check Upon having 150 by Manning in the first 3 quarters, Manning finished with 360 and 3 tds's -- 200 yds and 3 scores in 4th quarter alone. Gotta love the Prevent Defense!!! In the other "what the F" game, Bryan's kicker had 18 points. 18 f'in points from a kicker?!?! I once remember J Wilkens getting 21 points for someone in the finals a few years back. Oh well, those are the breaks if you are going to win the title. All other matchups were even, as my rb's did well led by Eddie George. The yardage hasn't been there all year, but the td's kept him strong.

In the worst game of the year by any teams, Dave defeated Roger 58-48 to get the third place prize. The scores on this one were pathetic and really not even worth the time to comment on. Roger had two guys with 15 points, but also had two goose eggs. Dave's high was Staley at 13 points. Congrats to Dave for winning the 3rd place prize.

As mentioned before, expansion is planned for next year and some tweaking of the payout system. More info to come, but we should be going to a 12 team league.

Prizes this year: Bryan (1st) -- 992, Noel (2nd) -- 564, Dave (3rd) -- 200.

After hearing "Noel, you won't win the title again until Hell freezes over" in week 12, I thought this picture would help reverse the curse and carry me to the championship.
#1 Next Year
This year the draft was "who's getting the #1 pick or Marshall Faulk". Is Holmes the new #1 pick for next year? I would assume -- unless one of the new guys gets the pick and choses someone else .. say, Mark Chmura!

Worst Game
In a poor display of playoff teams, Favre led Dave to the 58-48 win in the consolation game. Favre shows his displeaure in being part of such a lousy game.