Rules & Regulations




Gillette Stadium


Team Profiles

2002 Recap

2001 Recap


Lineups each week will include:
  • (1) QB
  • (2) RB's
  • (2) WR's
  • (1) TE
  • (1) K
  • (1) KR/PR

Points are based on the following:

  • 1 point for every 10 yds Rushing
  • 1 point for every 10 yds Receiving
  • 1 point for every 20 yds Passing
  • 1 point for every 10 yds KR/PR (added separately)
  • 6 points for every TD
  • 3 points per Field Goal
  • 2 points for 2 Point Conversion
  • 1 point for Extra Point

Basic Rules

The league will run primarily the same as last year with a 14 week season which will be played in the head to head format. Please see the "Schedule" page for weekly matchups.

At the end of Week 14, the top 4 teams will match up for the playoffs. These teams will be based on record with the total points being the tie breaker. All wins will be worth 2 points and ties will be worth 1 point. If total points are the same for the tiebreaker then we will go to how you finished vs that person head to head in wins. If again tied, then total points vs that person in the games played head to head (see Playoff Tiebreaker below).

First place will play number 4, and 2 will play 3 in Week 15 and the two winners will square off for the championship and the two losers will play for third place in Week 16. Fourth place goes home empty handed (see Prizes below).

Playoffs: For the tiebreaker in the playoffs we will go with the regular season head to head against the same opponent -- wins and loses first then total points. If you tie in the playoffs, then we will go back to the regular season -- if played once, then the winner of that game gets the win. If you played twice, and each won one, then the total points of both games together will determine the winner. If this is tied then the qb points of the playoff game will determine. If this is tied then the combined total of the rb's for each team, then wr's and te's and so on.


Linups must be turned in before kickoff on Sunday. You can call and leave a message on my cell phone which has voicemail -- no more calling my house. I will be distributing telephone numbers and email addresses on draft day via email. If you do not call in, or call after 1:00 with a lineup, then the previous week's lineup will automatically be used regardless of bye weeks or injuries. If there is a Saturday or Thursday game, you must call in players from that team. If you do not call in a player from that team, then they are not used, even if it is a carryover. You must call for Thursday games!

Waiver Wire

We will have 2 rounds of waiver pick ups each week. We will continue to use the worst record picks first format. First round will be on Tuesday and second round is on Wednesday. You must drop a player to pick up a player. All transactions will be two points. Pickups will be allowed throughout the playoffs. Call and leave a message on my cell phone machine.

Ammendment: Because of my work schedule, I am unable to tell everyone who was dropped in the 1st & 2nd round pickups. I am the only one who is able to see who everyone dropped. Because of this I will not, nor can anyone else, pick up a player in the 1st round that was dropped in the 1st round. You must wait until the 2nd round. Same goes with 2nd round drops - you must wait until the week after to pick up that player.


All trades will be finalized by a "special" committee. Another words if I think you are arranging a special deal to stack teams then I will nulify the trade. About 99.9% of all trades will be granted. Collusion is also not allowed. I will deal with this on a case by case if arises (example would be trading a player to a team one week then trading back for the same player the next week -- making someone elses team stronger considering who they are playing against). Trades may be difficult this year seeing we have a team in Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania. I will give telephone numbers and email addresses for all league members on draft day. Hopefully everyone will work together on these cross country dealings. Trades will end after Week 11 (subject to change). All trades are two point for each player (ie, a two for one deal will be 6 points).


Dues will stay at -209- points. More exciting finish in store. Worked well last year and keeps it very interesting the whole year.


Probably the most important part of the Rules page - the payouts. I think last years payout changes were very exciting and kept everyone involved throughout the year because every week you could win something no matter how bad your team sucked. We will stick with this very favorable format.

  • -35- for highest point total per week (14 weeks in season)
  • -50- mid year bonus for highest point total (after Week 7)
  • -50- year end bonus for highest point total(after Week 14)
  • -800- first place prize
  • -500- second place prize
  • -200- third place prize
  • -bonus- all the weekly P/U and trade transactions will divided by a 75/25 split to the first and second place team. Last years first place total was a shy under 1000, which is what I expected.

    I think this format works well. In previous years the crappy teams would just call it a year half way through and never even call in lineups. At least now, even with no chance of making the playoffs, you still have chance at points. I particularly like the Gary Rule. He always would bitch that his team always had the most points, but always seemed to have a losing record. The end of year and mid way highest point bonus is pretty fun.